Were we crazy?
01 May 2010
You know I have some crazy friends in my life ... so it shouldn't be a surprise to learn I've taken on yet another crazy project with a few of them! Pat Sloan, Brenda Murcado, Jo Ann Mullaly (who I'm really blaming (indirectly) for all this craziness) and I are doing a round robin crazy pincushion project. I don't know about you but there's just something so cool about pincushions. Maybe because it's tied in to what women have been doing for ages ... stitching is such a way of life for so many and you have to have a place to keep all your pins and needles! And ok fine ... I'll admit it ... it was my idea but none of these girls said "no" when they were asked to take part in the round robin.
The only thing I've decided so far is that my pincushion is going to be round and it's going to have sides. The first thing I had to do was find something round that was just the right size. So I had to audition vessels. Like this candy dish which on first blush looked fine but then when I traced it, it seemed on the smaller side. So off to find something more suitable.
So just like Goldilocks, I finally found something that was jusssttttt right ... a paint can! Its about 6 1/2" across ... gave me a seam allowance if I decide to machine stitch it. Cuz right now, I don't know what I'm going to do. Better to be safe than sorry. I traced the can on some freezer paper and cut it out.
Next I had to find the right wools for the top ... little bit of light and a lot more dark. I had made a base with cotton batting and homespun on top of it. I held my wool pieces in place with fork pins ... one of my favorite tools! Everything was whipped stitch with one strand of dark brown floss and I trimmed out underneath each seam so it wouldn't be bulky.
When I got done, my base looked like this.
I pressed my freezer paper circle on to the crazy piece, making sure there was batting underneath all the edges. What will it look like when I cut it?
Surprise! There it is!! They always look so different once they're trimmed up.
Now this is what happens next. I haven't decided if I'm going to add anything to my top or just send it on. I'm always going to be mailing my things to Brenda in our rotation. I'm kind of thinking it would be fun to see what would happen if I let her take the lead with the first shape! I really haven't chosen a theme because I like it all. There's time to decide what to do ... the post office closes at one o'clock. No sweat.
So you have to stick with us for about six weeks or so as our pincushion tops travel around the USA and get more added to them with each stop. This is going to be so fun! Watch the progress on each of our blogs. I love round robins like this and truly enjoy the surprise of getting mine back. This is my second time doing one with Pat so I know what I'm in for ... and it's all good!
Here are the rest of the gals ... go see what they're doing with their pincushions. Brenda, Pat, and Jo Ann. I'd love to know if our round robin inspires you to do one with your pals ... if you do, let me know how it goes. We're all just crazy, aren't we?