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Three ways to finish the edge of wool projects

Wool edge project

In our Muddy Sheep Wool Club, we're always looking for different edge finishes for our projects. These are three methods suggested for finishing our 2014 Fair and Square wool quilt.

Bringing the backing fabric to the front

· Trim the cotton batting and base fabric 3/8” away from the finished wool quilt top.

· Cut or piece fabric for the backing. With right side down, use basting spray to lightly cover the wrong side of the fabric.

· Lay the finished wool quilt top, right side up, over the backing fabric, smoothing to get rid of wrinkles.

· Trim the backing 1” from the edge of the wool quilt top around all four sides.

· Working with one side at a time, fold the backing toward the front of the quilt so that it touches the cotton batting. Press.

· Fold again toward the front so that it is even with the cut edge of the quilt top. Press. The cotton batting will fill the binding.

· Carefully blanket stitch the edge of the folded backing to the quilt top. You can also whip stitch it and go back later and stitch again with crazy stitches.

· Stitch opposite sides first, then top and bottom.

· Make sure the corners are square and the edges look nice.

  Wool edge turned from back

Wool binding

· Trim the cotton batting and base fabric 3/8” away from the finished wool quilt top.

· Cut or piece fabric for the backing. With right side down, use basting spray to lightly cover the wrong side of the fabric.

· Lay the finished wool quilt top, right side up, over the backing fabric, smoothing to get rid of wrinkles.

· Trim the backing even with the batting.

· Measure the top of your quilt top, including the batting, and add 2”. Cut two wool strips 1 1/4” wide by that measurement.

· Working with one side at a time, pin the wool strip even with the quilt top, with 1” extending beyond each end. No batting should show. You can overlap the strip and the top a bit if you want.

· Blanket stitch or whip stitch the wool strip to the top, stitching into the batting.

· Fold the wool strip to the back of the quilt so it covers the batting. Whip stitch to the backing, stitching into the batting but not into the front of the quilt. Trim the ends even

· Repeat for the opposite side.

· When the sides are completed, measure the top from side to side, adding 2”. Cut two wool strips 1 1/4” wide by that measurement.

· Add the top and bottom strips the same way you stitched the sides.

· Trim the ends carefully and stitch them closed so they don’t ravel.

Wool edge wool      Wool edge wool back

Blanket stitching with yarn

· Cut or piece fabric for the backing. With right side down, use basting spray to lightly cover the wrong side of the fabric.

· Lay the finished wool quilt, right side up, over the backing fabric, smoothing to get rid of wrinkles.

· Using the edge of the quilt top as a guide, use a rotary cutter to evenly trim away excess batting and backing fabric.

· As an option, use a template to round the corners.

· Use one strand of sock weight wool yarn and a sharp tapestry needle to blanket stitch around the outside edge through all layers. Be careful to keep the edges even, and make the stitches the same size on front and back.

Wool edge yarn
