North! To Alaska!!


15 June 2019 A two year plan to return to visit Alaska has finally begun! Flying from Minnesota to Fairbanks and then south using the Alaskan Railroad as our way of getting around, our group includes six adults and one tiny baby.


There was an unusual way to mark the restroom locations!


Fairbanks! Small planes are as common as cars.

It was wonderful to get outside of the airport and smell the fragrance of the trees that tell you you've reached your destination. Alaska!





One of many trips to the Grand Canyon!


I've been to the Grand Canyon many times but have never been there when a full moon was rising. Because of the snow on the ground, it took on a very eerie look. It was a bit frightening, too. With the darkness, you couldn't see the edge and there was no guard rail ... just a short wall. Plus there was so much ice that walking was a challenge. Even though the path was well away from the edge, I made it a point to walk on the side that was the furthest from it. Things looked much different in the morning!


Sunrise on Gull Lake


Minnesota is filled with photo-worthy scenery around every turn but sometimes it pays to get up early and enjoy the beauty. It was delightful to capture this scene with a thin layer of ice shimmering on Gull Lake north of Brainerd. The chunks of ice kicked up from windy weather the day before just added extra sparkle.